Much hustle and bustle, often even a frightening crush of people typified the picture on the DIOS stand every day at IDS 2009.  As expected, quality management was at the heart of most of the presentations, meetings, and discussions.

DIOS employees were pleased to answer any questions about the QM implementation standards in detail. At the same time, they outlined opportunities for easing the workload and saving money using DIOS QM and DIOS MP. Our employees started to deal with the enormous number of trade fair enquiries immediately after the IDS. The high number of orders for QM and MP products placed at the trade fair confirmed that our decision in favour of a fundamentally redesigned quality management program was absolutely correct and practical.

DIOS ZX with new user interface and entirely new icons: the second highlight on the DIOS stand also enjoyed great attention. Convinced by its intuitive ease of use and many new features, the majority of the 'final' DOS users decided to upgrade to DIOS ZX at the IDS. On top of that, we were especially pleased to be able to welcome several new ZX-user-family members, who switched from third-party products at the IDS.

Based on MP's tried and tested bar code technology, an exciting competition thought up by the advertising department of the software company from Münsterland was a special highlight. Distributed in circulars and to visitors directly at our stand was a key card – with a little luck, its bar code opened the door of the glass safe. The winners of the grand prize, a brand new laptop, had special reason to celebrate. Having said that, enthusiasm was almost even greater for our consolation prizes just in from East Asia, the DIOS USB dentists: a USB flash drive in the shape of a dentist. During the five days of the trade fair, 150 of these smart little helpers found a new home with their lucky winner.

Hustle and bustle on the DIOS stand   

Delighted with a grand prize at the lucky safe

IDS Messestand                                                Hauptgewinn

Hustle and bustle on the DIOS stand

Delighted with a grand prize at the lucky safe