Perfect for podiatrists, too – modern reprocessing devices and the DIOS MP product range

After the ID SÜD in Munich on 8 October, the DIOS HygieneMobil opened its doors just outside the gates of the Kassel city hall at the entrance to FUSS 2011 on the following morning after an overnight transfer. The Central Association of German Podiatrists and Chiropodists (Zentralverband der Podologen und Fußpfleger Deutschlands e.V. - ZFD) extended an invitation to lectures, workshops, and a demo corner during the annual congress with accompanying exhibition. Some 2,400 participants and visitors were able to gain a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the area of medical and cosmetic care of the human foot on the stands of almost 100 exhibitors at the 17th Podiatry Forum.

In recent years, requirements for practice hygiene, medical device management, and sterile reprocessing have steadily increased in medical chiropody, too. In principle, the requirements of the Medical Devices Act (Medizinproduktegesetz - MPG), Medical Devices Operator Ordinance (Medizinprodukte-Betreiberverordnung - MPBetreibV), and RKI guidelines applicable to podiatrists and dentists are the same. The syllabus for technical sterilisation assistants is only marginally different from that for the dental sector. Significant differences only exist in the area of organology.

The HygieneMobil was besieged for the whole day – a large number of podiatrists used the opportunity to gather information about the state of the art in the area of devices and software in the rolling treatment room. Extensive reports, which accompanied the FUSS, about the DIOS HygieneMobil, devices of the sponsor partners, and DIOS software were in the three leading industry journals. See all the press releases and other important information especially for podiatrists here.