Of course, you can create your QM manual by traditional means using MS Word on your PC, too. However, quality management is always about teamwork. How do you ensure your work is consistent when several employees are contributing to it at the same time? Moreover, how do you organise a release process with several instances involved from idea to integration with the work? What happens to previous versions? Further, in the event of inspections or litigation, how do you substantiate previously valid versions of the work at any time?
How do you make sure that both valid and outdated instances of your QM manual are stored in compliance with legal and auditing standards, and that they are tamper-proof?
A powerful QM authoring system must satisfy the following requirements
Creation and archiving of electronic QM documents and manuals of any kind in full compliance with DIN ISO 9001:2008
Conceptual design, structuring, creation, and any number of additions to works of any size
Creation of the working documents in standard Office programs
Multi-level document management within the network or on the Internet
Tamper-proof encryption for released documents and complete protection against subsequent alterations, each in accordance with the best possible state of the art
Export of documentation in whole or in part in standard PDF for audits and as evidence – any manipulation/alteration is immediately visible in Adobe Reader
The Dental Edition includes DIOS HZ (QM manual for dentists) and other applicable documents
None of the document management systems available on the market could meet these criteria in the way we imagined. That's why we developed DIOS DM from scratch. DIOS DM is the perfect document management system for creating and maintaining QM documents of any kind. By the way, the DIOS QM logo consists of a trefoil knot cast into an amber sphere. In the same way as amber encloses its content eternally, your documents are permanently protected in DIOS QM and cannot be manipulated without destruction. The continuous ribbon also symbolises the process and subprocesses of constant improvement in quality management.