Next to extensive documentation in the form of printed manuals, we provide a variety of training options to users of our software products.

One-on-one training on your PC via TeamViewer

An inexpensive yet highly personalised and individualised way of learning DIOS ZX and DIOS MP perfectly within a short space of time.

After installing a small software tool (TeamViewer client), a staff member of DIOS can work with you on your computer from Reken, Germany, via the Internet. At the same time, program features are explained and recurring work steps commented on via the parallel phone connection. Moreover, the support technician can use this remote connection to configure the system with your data perfectly for your practice.

Should you happen to experience a problem, our hardware experts can also – if you wish and only after you enable them –use TeamViewer to access your computer and troubleshoot a fault quickly.

Local one-on-one training in your practice

Of course, we also offer local training sessions for your team or specific members of staff in your practice at favourable conditions. This enables us to respond to the circumstances of your practice in terms of space, personnel, and technology more directly, and customise the DIOS organisation and management software so that it fits the processes of your practice perfectly. Here, you can benefit from the extensive expertise our staff members have gathered over many years in the area of hygiene (for example, with a view to restructuring or an announced physical inspection), in particular.

Group training via TeamViewer (DIOS eAcademy)

We also use the TeamViewer technology discussed above for our eAcademy courses. At a predetermined time, up to 25 participants can log into a lecture given by a staff member of DIOS and watch/listen to it on their own PC. It is even possible to ask the coach quick questions in the form of written notes via the chat feature.