Timeline from 1988 to 2013

Company founded with six staff members in Schwerte (An der Silberkuhle).
DIOS dentist information system developed.

DIOS launch and presentation at the Dental Informa trade fair in Hanover with the first green company logo.
Relocation to Dortmund (Westricher Strasse) in July.

Extensive consulting and sales activities in the newly formed German states after the reunification.
Introduction of the first BEMA audit module for quarterly accounting on diskette in March. (BEMA: Uniform value scale for dentists.)

Werner Oskamp is made a signatory of the company in his capacity as lead computer scientist.
The dental sector's first trade fair in the East (Leipzig).

650 practice deployments and 90 commercial school deployments.
Introduction of the new grey HuK-Plan (treatment plan and cost projection) and elimination of the WdF-Reparatur-Plan (restoration plan for dental prostheses).
Introduction of the BEL II. (BEL II: Uniform value scale for dental technicians.)

Introduction of the Health Care Structure Act (Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz - GSG) – hotline completely overloaded at the start of the year.
New five-digit postcodes introduced in the middle of 1993 – DIOS users receive a free update for automated conversion.

Introduction of the health insurance card.
Relocation to Klein-Reken (Buttstegge 1) on 27 July 1994.
DIOS has 12 distributors, including six in the newly formed German states.

Werner Oskamp is made managing partner.
Introduction of accounting on diskette.
DIOS mailbox is installed for update downloads, and the like.

Non-contractual restorative therapy for statutory health insurance patients.

1,200 users work with the DIOS accounting program.
DIOS rises to seventh place among the top ten dental software companies.
The first DIOS website goes online at www.dios.de on 1 June 1997.
DIOS has 14 staff members.
DIOS 98 programming begins.

Statutory health insurance prosthetics accounting switched to GOZ (private reimbursement scheme for dentists) and fixed benefit grant.
Sadly only lasting a year until the election in 1999, the 'Golden era of prosthetics' begins under Horst Seehofer.

Solidarity Strengthening Act (Solidaritätsstärkungsgesetz - GKV-SolG) after the election in late 1998.
Statutory health insurance for prosthetics returns to conditions pre-1998.
Introduction of dental prosthesis and orthodontics accounting on diskette.
DIOS 98 launched in Q2.
The last MS DOS version (8.00) is released.

Anxiety caused by Millennium Bug. DIOS users overcome this hurdle easily, too.

Introduction of the euro.

DIOS excursion to Paris.

BEMA conversion. (BEMA: Uniform value scale for dentists.)
Development and launch of DIOS MP.

The regulation on fixed benefit grants gives rise to 53,000 new lines of code.
DIOS MP is deployed in more than 150 practices.

The company logo gets a new look.
The number of MP deployments grows to more than 300.
Co-operation with Henry Schein Dental Depot with various DOCma OEM versions of DIOS MP.

Development and launch of DIOS QM.

New user interface introduced for DIOS ZX.

The 'new' ZX is officially presented at the IDS.

Design and construction of the DIOS HygieneMobil. Used for the first time in autumn 2010 in Leipzig.
Official QM implementation deadline for all practices is the end of the year.

Moved into the new premises in Reken on 8 April 2011.
New electronic health card reader introduced at the end of the year.

Extensive support activities in Q1 due to the new GOZ (private reimbursement scheme for dentists) and introduction of paperless laboratory invoices.
This has caused confusion in practices in respect of the GOZ accounting since July 2012.

Practice fee eliminated.
Company has its 25th anniversary on 25 July 2013.
DIOS has more than 3,000 users.